Saturday, July 18, 2009

Finding George a new home

George was a lot of fun and he took up a lot of time looking after him and keeping him entertained. He was basically like a baby - you cannot just put a monkey in a cage and expect him to entertain himself. He needs careful care and attention.

After a lot of research, I decided to look for an animal rescue or sanctuary for George. He is a very social animal and needs to be with other monkeys.

I started emailing and calling anyone and everyone who might be able to help. After 2 weeks, I had 1 response - from a zoo in Bangkok who said they didnt want him. A few months later, I did get a response from Monkey World in the UK and they advised another animal shelter. I tried for weeks before I found out that they had just received funding from the Government - they had no interest. It was like trying to ask a zoo to take a dog. George just wasn't as special as a newborn Panda or lion cub. He didnt attract customers. It became very clear, that all these animal sanctuaries, homes and zoos just wanted attractions to make money. Animals were secondary.

I even tried the local Monkey School (tourist attraction) and they wanted to take him. On the way out, and attendant followed me and told me that they already have way to many baby monkeys and they would sell him as a pet.

So, I asked for help on the Internet and the flood of ignorant response to "let him go back into the jungle" were all I got, apart from a few well meaning people who just like me...wanted a monkey.

Faced with the fact that no-one wanted a baby monkey, I decided to keep George and give him as good a life as I could.
Some things were going to have to change.

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